Oxidation of Citric Acid using Colloidal MnO2 in the Presence of Non-ionic Surfactant Tween-80
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Introduction: In the geochemistry of the ocean, MnO2 is a significant phase. It has a significant role in the
formation of hydrous iron oxide and manganese nodules. Materials and Methods: The UV-Vis spectrum at
390 nm was used to characterize water soluble colloidal MnO2. Non-ionic surfactant such as Tween 80 used
for this investigation. Results and Discussion: The kinetics of the oxidation of citric acid by water soluble
colloidal MnO2 in the presence of Tween-80 surfactant have been reported for the 1st time. There is no effect of
ionic surfactants CTAB and SDS. The reaction proceeds through the adsorption of lactic acid on the surface of
the colloidal particles. Conclusion: The non-ionic surfactant Tween-80 showed a catalytic effect up to certain
concentrations thereafter an inhibitory effect follows. Non-ionic surfactant Tween-80 by bringing the reactants
close and closer due to multiple hydrogen bonding. In doing so rate increased.
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