The Applicability of Artificial Intelligence to the Health-care Sector

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Shamal P. Bhosale


Almost all sectors are seeing an increase in the use of artificial intelligence (AI). It can be applied in a variety of
sectors, including research, technology, and health, and is not limited to any one area. Artificial intelligence (AI)
focuses mostly on how computers simulate human brain processes through data analysis. AI can be a potential
option to solve all the drawbacks of medication development, which include expensive research and development
expenses and unknown time consumption. There is a possibility of overlooking some important information
because so much data are available. Expert systems, deep learning, and machine learning algorithms are some
of the methods being used to overcome these problems. Drug development delays and clinical and commercial
failures can be minimized with the effective application of AI in the pharmaceutical industry. This evaluation
includes details on AI’s evolution, subfields, general implementation, and use in the pharmaceutical industry. It
also offers insights into AI’s shortcomings and obstacles.


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How to Cite
Bhosale, S. P. . (2024). The Applicability of Artificial Intelligence to the Health-care Sector. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics (AJP), 18(02).