Role of cranberry juice in preventing recurrent urinary tract infections in the pediatric population

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Editor AJP


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in the pediatric
population, a majority being caused by E. coli. Recurrent
UTI not only results in disruption of the daily routine but
can also lead to renal scarring. An important bacterial
property leading to UTI is the presence of adhesion factors
that decrease bacterial washout. The most common
intervention used to prevent recurrent UTI is long-term
and low-dose antibiotics. Cranberry products, available in
India, have also been used as prophylactic intervention.


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How to Cite
AJP, E. (2014). Role of cranberry juice in preventing recurrent urinary tract infections in the pediatric population. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics (AJP), 3(2).


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